Improving Your Education

Improving Your Education

2 Things To Do When You Want To Change Your Career In Mid-Life

by Johnni Warren

After many years of being a working adult, you may find yourself wanting to do something different and find a new job. For many people, that is a passing fancy that is never acted upon, but if you heed the following two tips, entering a new career can be possible. 

Save Some Money

One of the biggest challenges to leaving your current job is that you may be afraid of taking a pay cut as someone who is just starting out in a new career. You might be concerned that you won't have enough money to maintain your lifestyle and pay the bills you need to pay.

However, this fear can be eased if you set a goal to save some money each month. After saving enough money to handle your expenses for a number of months,  even if your worst fear comes true and you are unable to secure a good-paying job in your new field, you will have some money to supplement your new salary as you look for something better.  

Take Career Development Courses

Even after working so many years, you may not be used to going on job interviews or updating your resume. Taking career development courses that involve these skills can help you brush up on what you already know and discovered what has changed in the workforce since you last applied for a job. Such classes allow you to practice the skills you learn before attempting to apply them in real world situations to secure new work.

Another challenge of finding a new career is that you may not think you have the time to learn new skills relevant to a career you're seeking; a career development course focusing on time management might be right for you. That way, you can learn actionable techniques that will allow you to continue working in your current job and thrive while learning new skills or taking new courses to help you get the new career you want.

Some career development courses even help you to determine what kind of job or career would be the best fit for you. Even if you think you want a particular job, taking a course on industry research or something similar can assist you in figuring out whether that is a good idea.

With these tips, you can put yourself in a better position to find the new career you're seeking. Work with career counselors and other professionals to ensure that you can find a job that makes you happy at this time in your life.


About Me

Improving Your Education

After my son left for college, I realized that it had been a long time since I had worked on learning something new. I thought about it and I decided that it might be best to start taking my education a little more seriously. I investigated different programs in my area, and I signed up for some classes that focused on improving your education. It was amazing to meet new people, read about new topics, and invest time into something a little more challenging. This blog is all about the benefits of enrolling in a continuing education class and learning how to improve yourself.