Attending a two-year or community college can be a great way to save money and still work toward a four-year degree at a university or accredited college. There are, however, some problems students encounter when trying to transfer their credits to a new four-year school. One study showed that students who earned an average of 54.17 credits from a community college were only able to transfer approximately 42.57 of them. This means those students had to repeat credit hours to earn a bachelor's degree. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening to you. Use the following guide to help ensure your transferable college credits are indeed transferable.
Meet With A College Counselor
The counselor on your community college campus can help you to determine which courses make the most sense for your desired degree, and he or she can assist you with finding credit hours that will transfer. Together, you can create a two-year plan for success that leads to fewer surprises when you get ready to transfer. Even if you have already begun classes, meeting with a counselor can help you to determine if you are on the right track.
Pick Your Four-Year School
Different schools have different rules about credit transfers, so what might transfer to one college might not transfer to another. Contact your desired college and request a list of courses that are deemed transferable. You may also be able to find this information on each school's website. Once you know what will and won't transfer, you can choose your community college course load with confidence.
Don't Stay Too Long
While it might be tempting to stay as long as possible at a two-year school to save money or stay close to home, you may actually end up hurting your chances for credits to transfer. Some schools prefer to see higher-level classes completed on their campuses instead of allowing credit transfers. You may want to consider enrolling in the four-year school on a part-time basis instead of lingering in community college. This can also help you to save money, but you'll get the benefit of knowing your credits are going toward your eventual graduation.
Transferring from a two-year school to a four-year school takes planning, so it is important to try to determine your education and career path as early as possible. You'll be able to choose the right classes for your major and your desired school so you can feel confident that your credits will transfer.
After my son left for college, I realized that it had been a long time since I had worked on learning something new. I thought about it and I decided that it might be best to start taking my education a little more seriously. I investigated different programs in my area, and I signed up for some classes that focused on improving your education. It was amazing to meet new people, read about new topics, and invest time into something a little more challenging. This blog is all about the benefits of enrolling in a continuing education class and learning how to improve yourself.